Tue. June 27, 2023 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM
Room 309, Baltimore Convention Center
Session Description
Educational Research & Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session
Moderated by
Dr. Bryce E. Hughes
Papers Presented
An Analysis of Low-Scoring Blind and Low-Vision Individuals’ Selected Answers on a Tactile Spatial Ability Instrument
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Daniel Kane (Utah State University), Dr. Natalie L. Shaheen (Affiliation unknown), and Dr. Wade H. Goodridge (Utah State University)
Parallel Form Reliability Analysis of a Tactile Mental Cutting Test for Assessing Spatial Ability in Blind and Low-vision Populations
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Mrs. Candice Hamilton (Stephen F. Austin State University), Emily Stratman (Affiliation unknown), Daniel Kane (Utah State University), Jenny Lee Blonquist (Affiliation unknown), Dr. Natalie L. Shaheen (Illinois State University), and Dr. Wade H. Goodridge (Utah State University)
“It is So Exhausting to Constantly Have to Explain to People”: Exploring the Effects of Faculty Interactions on Disabled Students
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Ms. Rachel Figard (Arizona State University), Dr. Samantha Ruth Brunhaver (Arizona State University), and Dr. Jennifer M. Bekki (Arizona State University)
An Analysis of Pre and Post-COVID-19 Lockdown Spatial Ability Performance in Blind and Low-Vision Individuals
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David Searle (Utah State University), Daniel Kane (Utah State University), Dr. Natalie L. Shaheen (Affiliation unknown), and Dr. Wade H. Goodridge (Utah State University)
The Effects of a Spatial Thinking Curriculum on Low-Income Sophomore Summer Scholars
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Dr. Marisa K. Orr (Clemson University), Ms. Lauren Fogg (Louisiana Tech University), Mrs. Catherine Hendricks Belk (Clemson University), Dr. Katie Evans (Houston Christian University), and Dr. Mitzi Desselles (Louisiana Tech University)