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M414C·Supporting Underrepresented and LGBTQ Students
Technical Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Mon. June 26, 2023 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Room 308, Baltimore Convention Center
Session Description

Educational Research & Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session

For those interested in: Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology

Moderated by
  1. Dr. Karen E Rambo-Hernandez and Dr. David Reeping
Papers Presented
  1. Environments Affecting Black Student Thriving in Engineering (BSTiE) [view paper]
    Stephanie A Damas (Clemson University) and Dr. Lisa Benson (Clemson University)
  2. Addressing the Needs of Hispanic/Latino(a) Students with the Flipped Classroom Model [view paper]
    Dr. Alberto Cureg Cruz (California State University, Bakersfield), Dr. Amin Malek (California State University, Bakersfield), Andrea Medina (California State University, Bakersfield), and Dr. Melissa Danforth (California State University, Bakersfield)
  3. An Exploration of Black Engineering Students’ Aspirational Capital within Community Cultural Wealth and Ecological Systems Theory [view paper]
    Ms. Jessica Fallon (Clemson University), Dr. Catherine E. Brawner (Research Triangle Educational Consultants), Dr. Catherine Mobley (Clemson University), Dr. Marisa K. Orr (Clemson University), and Dr. Rebecca Brent (Education Designs, Inc)
  4. In/authenticity in STEM Social Networks: How “Out” are LGBTQ Students with their Peers in STEM? [view paper]
    Dr. Bryce E. Hughes (Montana State University - Bozeman) and Sidrah MGWatson (Affiliation unknown)
  5. Family Voices: Learning from Families with Preschool-Age Children from Historically Marginalized Communities to Expand our Vision of Engineering [view paper]
    Dr. Scott A. Pattison (TERC, Inc.), Smirla Ramos-Montañez (Affiliation unknown), Viviana López Burgos (Affiliation unknown), Dr. Gina Navoa Svarovsky (University of Notre Dame), Catherine Wagner (University of Notre Dame), Annie Douglass (Affiliation unknown), and Julie Allen (Affiliation unknown)