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W140·TOPICAL PLENARY: Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Engineering
Topical Plenary Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
Wed. June 28, 2023 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Room 308, Baltimore Convention Center
Session Description

Ensuring that higher education incorporates Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) into its operations can make engineering education more accessible, meaningful, and engaging for students of all racial and ethnic backgrounds.

  1. Karl Reid

    Karl W. Reid, Ph.D. (he/him/his) is the Senior Vice Provost, Chief Inclusion Officer and Professor of Practice at Northeastern University. He also heads the Engineering PLUS Alliance, a national NSF-funded coalition that aims to increase the growth rate in the number of women and racially minoritized students obtaining undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering. Prior to joining Northeastern, Dr. Reid was the Executive Director of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). He came to NSBE from the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), where he held the title of Senior Vice President for Research, Innovation and Member College Engagement. Dr. Reid served on the Committee for Addressing the Underrepresentation of Women of Color in Tech and the National Council for Expanding American Innovation. He is a member of the Industry Leaders Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and a founding member of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Research Institute Advisory Council and the 50k Coalition. Dr. Reid is a frequent contributor to the national discourse on advancing student achievement and fostering diversity and inclusion. He holds a B.A. and M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT, and a Doctorate in Education from Harvard University.

  2. Dr. Erick Jones
    The University of Texas at Arlington

    Dr. Erick Jones is a Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies in the College of Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). He is currently the George and Elizabeth Pickett Endowed Professor in Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering. Jones returned from his three year rotating detail at National Science Foundation where he was a Program Director in the Engineering Directorate for Engineering Research Centers Program. Earlier he was the Program Director in Education Directorate for Division of Graduate Education which led the INTERN and Graduate Research Internship Programs. He was also a Program Director for the prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program. Dr. Jones was one of the few program officers who worked in two Directorates as a rotating program director.

    Prior to joining UTA, Dr. Jones worked at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for eight years where he initially received tenure. He served as Deputy Director of UTA’s Security Advances via Nanotechnologies Center from 2013-15. He is currently the Director of RAID lab, a position he has held since 2011.

    Dr. Jones is internationally recognized for this pioneering work with RFID technologies, Lean Six Sigma Quality Management, and autonomous inventory control. He has published more than 243 manuscripts and three textbooks, and has garnered more than $10 million in grants and contracts. Additionally, Jones has advised 44 master’s students, 18 Ph.D. students, and sponsored 32 undergraduate research projects.

    Dr. Jones is an active member of ISCEA, NSF, AAAS, IISE, ASEE and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). He has served in IISE, NSBE and other organizations as faculty advisor for the past decade. He was appointed as the President of ISCEA International Standards Board (IISB) in July 2020. He was also appointed as the President of IISE Work Systems Division Board in the same year. He served as an Alfred Sloan Minority PhD Program Director and is on Sloan Mentoring Network Board. He worked with the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering for over a decade and was also one of the initial founders and Past Chair of Texas A&M’s Black Former Students Network. Dr. Jones was recognized as an Alfred Sloan Underrepresented Minority Ph.D. Program Fellow and has been honored by the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering three times.

    Dr. Jones worked in the Industry for over a decade before returning to academia to attain his PhD. He held engineering, management, and executive management positions while in the Industry including Engineering Supervisor, Director of Engineering, and Executive Manager for companies such as UPS, Academy Sports and Outdoors, Arthur Andersen, and LLP, respectively. He gained valuable Engineering and Executive experience that he brings to the University.

    Dr. Jones earned his Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M University and his Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Industrial Engineering from the University of Houston.