Data science has gained the attention of various industries, educators, parents, and students thinking about their future careers. Data science courses have been traditionally offered by statistics departments for a long time. The main objective of these courses is to examine the fundamental concepts and theories. However, teaching data science courses have moved to engineering branches, no longer bounded by statistics. There are various reasons for this transition. One is that the increased computational power and massive availability of the data make the application of statistical theories possible. The second one is the availability of libraries and models that allow the implementation of diverse solutions to problems. A typical data science curriculum covers the variety of topics, such as data processing, feature engineering, regression, classification, and natural language processing. In the last decades, data-driven models have significantly affected almost every industry. Various courses across the nation focus on introducing data science topics. However, a complete engineering technology curriculum has not been developed yet. This paper will discuss the details of introducing a new curriculum on data science in an electrical engineering technology program, including detailed course structures and projects.
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