From 1998 to 2018 over 1900 Research Scholars participated in the “Program” at CUNY. “Program” Scholars were selected to participate and formed the select group of students who were encouraged to move to the graduate study. Participation in the “Program” was defined as being a Research Scholar and included students the Community, Comprehensive and Senior colleges of the “Program”. VISION “Program”, an initiative to incorporate the “Program” Alums seeks to engage alumni of the program. Two in-person VISION “Program” sessions were held in 2015 and 2016. An online survey was distributed to over 1900 “Program” participants, in combination with developing an active LinkedIn social media plan. The VISION “Program” survey was initiated in August,2018, and it received a response rate of 11% of the 1993 invitations. Participants indicated that their range of start date in the “Program” which goes from Fall 1993 to Summer 2018,. Preliminary data shows the top five states in which VISION “Program” participants are employed are New York (64%), New Jersey (5%), Pennsylvania (4%), Maryland (3%), and California (3%). 16% of those employed remained a part of the City University of New York, and 25% held working positions as a Professor, Tutor, Adjunct, K-12 Teacher. The VISION “Program” also presents the NextGen roadmap to address the participation of underrepresented minorities in the STEM disciplines by Alumni participants of the programs, now represented in the Professoriate, the K-12, Industry and Agency settings. The updated responses to the 2022 survey will be presented along with data from the LinkedIn tracking data.
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