2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Where are the women of Color professors?: Multicultural career sustainability utilizing participatory action research

Presented at Construction Engineering Division (CONST) Technical Session 5

Universities with a multicultural workforce positively impact the quality of services in professional development, mentorship, leadership, administration, advising, and the classroom learning environment. These valuable campus elements contribute to crafting students' learning outcomes and growth. Promoting the diversity of academic faculty may contribute to students of Color success [17]. Unfortunately, women of Color who are faculty remain acutely underrepresented in university faculty positions. Diversity within faculty members will not exhibit significant progress until 2080 based on current post-doc-to-faculty transition rates [9]. The paltry participation of women of Color students in construction and engineering programs correlates with the underrepresentation of women of Color faculty in these programs [5]. A report illustrated that Black/African American, Latina, and Native women comprise less than 3 percent of assistant professors, less than 2.5 percent of associate professors, and less than 1 percent of full professors [18]. The initial work of this paper will explore and synthesize research literature through critical consciousness lenses to continue illuminating the voices spoken by women of Color and making visible their challenges as faculty members. We present transformative, multidimensional, and participatory action research (PAR) approaches for academic institutions to incorporate, encourage, support, and expand women of Color faculty. PAR seeks collaboratively to comprehend social issues and action to bring about social change. Overall, we identify and summarize existing findings from previous research literature in which articles were selected relevant to women of Color challenges and PAR. The significance of this study is to contribute to building multicultural career sustainability with Women of Color in the construction and engineering education profession to bolster the empowerment and strengthen to increase the number of women of Color members, from students to professionals alike. The infancy stage of work will lay out the next steps in future work.

  1. Cassandra Puletapuai Colorado State University [biography]
  2. Dr. Daniel Birmingham Colorado State University [biography]
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