2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

WIP: Implementing an Alternative Grading Scheme in a Large Enrollment Differential Equations Course: Lessons Learned

Presented at Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 3

In this work in progress paper, we describe our efforts to implement a standards-based, mastery-based grading scheme in a large enrollment differential equations course. Alternative grading schemes have been implemented in a variety of ways (mastery grading, specification grading, standards grading, etc.) in a variety of contexts (subject, class size, class level, etc.) for many years and they have many proven benefits. Some of the main concerns with traditional grading schemes driving our attempt to implement an alternative grading scheme in our course include: the time and effort needed to grade homework, which is often not an accurate demonstration of individual effort and understanding; the use of partial credit to reward poor work with middling grades, which allows students to accumulate a decent course grade without ever demonstrating correct problem solving techniques; agonizing over the right number of points off for various mistakes.

Even though alternative grading schemes have been shown to address many of those concerns, there are still many barriers to implementing them, particularly in courses with large enrollment. Energized by a workshop run by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) during summer 2022, we have undertaken to implement a standards based and mastery based grading scheme for a 500+ student differential equations for engineers course at this R1 university during fall 2022. While we have received generous assistance from many groups, challenges for implementation remain. In this paper we will describe the context of the course and our efforts to overhaul the grading scheme, with an emphasis on challenges and lessons learned.

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