2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Effect of Terminology on Student Performance (Work in Progress)

Presented at First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 1: Programs & Curricula

Many instructors know that understanding of a few key phrases or terms can make a huge difference in the outcome of students’ performance in exams. This is especially prominent for first-generation students and international students. This undermines retention and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts undertaken by universities. This study intends to examine the effect of terminology on students’ comprehension of problem statements during an exam. For this, students are tested on simple mathematical concepts that they are familiar from elementary/middle school. Two different types of questions, using same mathematical concepts, will be part of the exam given to first year students. The first type of questions will include terminology that is understood by common population with at least middle school education. The second type of questions will include terminology that is typically used in STEM higher education. The questions will be randomized. Demographic information of students will be collected without identifying information. Conclusions made on the impact of terminology on student success.

  1. Dr. Nazli Aslican Yilmaz Wodzinski P.E. Minnesota State University, Mankato [biography]
  2. Dr. Pavan Karra Minnesota State University, Mankato [biography]
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