Prior to embarking on a major renovation of the University of Florida (UF) Marston Science Library (MSL) in 2022, the library asked their patrons including engineering students what they wanted in an academic library space. How do engineering students use their academic library and what do they envision as an ideal space? The library teamed with the Department of Interior Design in the UF College of Design, Construction and Planning to collaborate on a study of the top two floors of the library that were slated for renovation. The goal was to develop floor plans that facilitate innovative research, creative thinking and problem-solving. The study methodology included an observational study, online survey of patrons, and focus groups. Because engineering students make up a large percentage of MSL’s patrons, their input was sought and incorporated in the design of the floor plans. Of the 335 responses to the survey, 25% (84 respondents) were engineering students. The results showed that 39% of the engineering students spend more than 8 hours per week in the library and during that time, they spend 77% in frequent or very frequent individual study while 42% said they use the library very frequently or frequently for group study. As for aesthetics, students want a space with clean lines, lots of power outlets, and some control over ambient features such as noise, lighting, and furniture use. They also are looking for a natural feel, with plants and neutral tones. Students want to have privacy when they work but they want to feel the comfort and energy of having others around them. This paper discusses the analysis and interpretation of the online survey results. The study methodology can be used by other engineering libraries who wish to perform an analysis of their own space usage and student design preferences.
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